As promised Angus got the dogs after breakfast and we met at the meadow on the shores of Loch Seaforth.
Loch Seaforth and the B&B
There were 6 sheep left, of which 2 still had to be shorn. Angus
caught the first and showed me how to hold the sheep and do the
clipping using the blade shears. In contrast to machine shears the
blades leave some wool on the sheep which is important in the harsh
climate of Harris, the sheep spending most of the year out on the hills.
When it was my turn it took me some time to get used to it but in
the end I managed quite well, leaving the tail and legs to Angus'
expert hands.
Angus shows how to do
clip clip
Voilą madame!!
After the second sheep had escaped
my not-so-firm grip and Angus had caught it again it was Dagmar's turn.
Her results were named by Miranda as
"Viennese haircut".
number two before the escape
What the hell is he doing???
Dagmar's turn
Well done!
our 2 models
The fleece feels very oily but there is no unpleasant smell at all. The sheep-shearing was one of the greatest experiences of our whole vacation. Sadly, we already had to say farewell to Miranda and Angus after this. Before heading for the ferry
to Skye we visited the magnificent beach at Huisinis. Here the fertile
machair vegetation can be found and we walked the grassy slopes of the
cliff line. We could watch gannets and shags catching fish and enjoyed
the view to Scarp - known for the failed experiments to deliver post by
rocket in the 1930s.
Scarp on the left
gannet diving
view to the southwest
Easy Riders
Goodbye Harris!
From Tarbert we took the ferry to Skye. After a pleasant 2 hours' ride we arrived at Uig.
From Uig it was not far to the Romesdal Croft of Joe and Yvonne, where we spent the next 4 nights. To the next day =>